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YouTube Video Accessibility & Cloud Computing Capacity by Ngo Dieu Thuy Trang, Sharlene Goh, Sandra Ganapragasam is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Singapore License.
YouTube Video Accessibility and Cloud Computing Capacity
We conclude that Youtube could perhaps be limiting access to its videos that are hosted on external platforms, such as Viikii, so as to reduce the problem of spambots.
A spambot is an automated computer program, or, more rarely, a script, designed to assist in the sending of spam. On Youtube, certain users may use spambots to increase the view count of their videos, to increase video ratings or to increase comments.
However, on Viikii, viewers are only able to view the Youtube videos and are not able to rate or comment on the videos. But, the Youtube server could be mistaking them for spambots and limits video access to them. Hence, users accessing Youtube videos via Viikii are unable to watch them.
Our group has come up with two suggestions to help solve the problem. The first of which is through the usage of verification codes and the other, more feasible suggestion, is to for Youtube and Viikii to form a partnership.
Verification Codes
If the issue of spambots is the root of the problem, then perhaps verification codes could be activated on the Viikii sites just like in Youtube. This would allow users to access the videos since they are able to prove that they are human.
However, there are some problems with this suggestion. It will be quite troublesome because Viikii viewers can still access the videos directly on Youtube, just that there will not any subtitling. Moreover, Youtube may not be too keen on enabling verification codes on an external platform, such as Viikii.
The alternative suggestion, which we believe to be superior and more viable, is the forming of a partnership between Youtube and Viikii. With this partnership, Youtube can still host the videos on its own platform while Viikii can provide the subtitling service. Thus, viewers can then access the videos on Youtube with subtitles by enabling Closed Captions feature.
Closed Captions is a Youtube feature that is still in its Beta stage. What it does is that it transcribes audio that is in English and then translates it to various other languages. But the service is not very accurate and even hilarious at times. Closed captions works best when the speaker has very clear diction and does not use slang or colloquialism.
At this moment in time, Closed Captions is not able to transcribe audio in any other language other than English. Thus, Viikii still has an advantage since most of the dramas on Viikii are in Mandarin, Korean and Japanese and Closed Captions cannot transcribe and translate from these languages.
However, if Closed Captions improves to include such capabilities, Viikii’s usefulness will certainly come under threat. Therefore, one way to ensure Viikii’s survival is to propose that Youtube use the Closed Captions feature to transcribe audio in other languages other than English and then Viikii can assist Youtube with both the transcribing of the audio, as well as translation.
A possible problem of the partnership is the issue of revenue. Youtube relies on advertising revenue to make profits whereas Viikii is solely dependent on donations from its site. If a partnership is formed, they will have to decide who gets which share of the revenue.
Next Stage
In the next stage, we would firstly have to propose the idea of a partnership to both Youtube and Viikii. Moreover, we want to suggest to Viikii to copyright their subtitles through Creative Commons so that when a partnership with Youtube is formed, other subtitling websites will not be able to ‘steal’ their subtitles without their permission.
Our project is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Singapore License.
Viikii sources their dramas and videos from Youtube. They do not host any videos on their own website.
The ViiKii users would then add the subtitles to the dramas using a certain ViiKii tool available on their website.
These subtitles that they add are soft, meaning that the subtitles are not added directly on the video itself. The subtitles itself is a separate file from the video.
That means should one look up the original video on Youtube itself, the ViiKii user added subs will not appear.
However, there are times when Youtube would restrict access to Viikii users since the videos are Youtube sourced.
The error prompted to users mean that Youtube is rejecting connections from the ViiKii server because too many users on ViiKii are trying to watching the same video during the same period of time. This is a possible problem since ViiKii does have a high volume of traffic to their website, at more than 60 thousand visitors for the whole of February.
So this results in a problem for ViiKii users who want to watch their favourite foreign dramas in their preferred language.
ViiKii has a open source element to it in the sense that any of their users can edit the subtitles on the videos freely, modify them or build open them. Anyone can edit the subtitles and everyone can watch the videos there for free. Hence we want to make it easier for ViiKii to be accessed since its subtitling service is free and is open source element in a sense.
Before going into the objectives of our project, we would like to add a disclaimer here, stating that we are indeed aware of the copyright infringement issues involved in posting videos of dramas on Youtube.
However, the main focus of our project is not dealing with the copyright infringement issue, hence the problem is assumed to be non-existing.
With that disclaimer in mind, lets move on to the objectives of our project.
The first objective of our project, was then to find out why exactly is Youtube limiting access to ViiKii’s servers? Which is causing many ViiKii users to get furious as they are unable to watch their subtitled videos.
At first, we suspected that the problem of restricted access to ViiKii’s server is due to Youtube’s limited cloud computing capacity.
And that by simply increasing Youtube’s cloud computing capacity, this problem can be solved.
Hence one of our project’s objectives to discover if this solution is viable and appropriate in this situation.
But we are also aware that the cloud computing capacity issue might not be the real cause of the limited access problem. Hence, in our project, we aim to find what is the true cause of the real problem. Our findings will be explained later on.
The Viikii plug in is a temporary solution to the problem of restricted access. http://blog.viikii.net/viikii-desktop-plugin/
The plug in has to installed onto the computer. It allows ViiKii users to bypass the problem of restricted access and allows them to watch the videos on ViiKii without Youtube restricting them.
ViiKii does not offer an explanation on their website as to how their plug in works. Hence, our objective is to find out by ourselves, how the ViiKii plug in actually works to prevent Youtube from restricting access and users can watch the subtitled videos.