Monday, March 8, 2010

2. Solution - ViiKii Plug-in

This is an entry on the ViiKii desktop plug-in.
"As we mentioned in ViiKii topic #723, many of you have suffered problem with YouTube-sourced videos.

Finally, today we release a plug-in that enables you to watch YouTube-sourced videos without problems. So, if you have problem watching YouTube-sourced videos, please install our ViiKii Desktop Plug-in by clicking this link.

Users of 3rd party sites that use our embeddable player (like,, etc) are also able to watch videos on the 3rd party site without coming to as long as they install this plug-in.

# This plug-in is to resolve problems with YouTube-sourced videos and has nothing to do with our peak-time limitation or broken links.

How does it work to solve the problem?


  1. Oh yeah and I believe that the problem ViiKii users face in terms of being unable to access the videos, I believe it is similar to a problem that normal Youtube users face as seen here:

    The error is prompted by a large volume of requests from the network and perhaps its the same for ViiKii when too may users are trying to watch the same Youtube video. For Youtube users, however they are allowed to key in a validation code to confirm that the user is not a spam bot.

    But I guess in the case of the ViiKii users, the validation key method won't work since its the video is sourced from Youtube and there is no Youtube user attached to the embedded video. Maybe if there was some way to get the users to log in to their Youtube accounts and watch it on Viikii by validating the key code, this problem may not occur?? Haha I'm not sure if this suggestion is valid but I'll just throw some ideas out.

  2. Hi heynubcake,

    i think what you said makes sense enough.

    that makes me think of how to use GPG to validate users when they interact with ViiKii for Youtube videos
