Monday, March 8, 2010

3. Discussion

-Based on heynubcake's comment (Link), we can include the discussion of a solution using "web of trust" as a result of "key signing parties" to validate users from ViiKii.



  1. From what I believe, I think that the only solution for ViiKii to be able to stream videos from Youtube without them limiting access, is basically become a sort of partner with Youtube.

    Since uploading drama serials on Youtube isn't legal in the first place, I think that method won't work unless Youtube gets a license to upload those videos. And if ViiKii is a partner, they can put those Youtube videos on their own site with the softsubs. But I think this a rather complicated idea to be honest, haha.

    From what I've read about the ViiKii plug-in in the comments, it doesn't seem to work for quite a number of people. I personally haven't tried it so I don't know if it actually works, but have you tried out yet? Haha.

    And the fact that Youtube has the capability to change their streaming method means that the plug-in will have to be updated regularly.

  2. I have tried the plug-in on 6 mar 2010 and it was working. I m trying today (30 Mar, 12:18 am, watching: Down with Love [8] (8/8)) and it is working. I don't know what's the problem with those users who claimed otherwise.

    Currently, ViiKii only accepts videos from YouTube. If it can upgrade to include many other video sharing websites, the problem is reduced, I guess.

    What do you mean by changing streaming methods by YouTube?
